Municipal Notices

Municipal Updates

Boissevain-Morton expanding trailer court

Creating opportunities for affordable housing and economic growth

In an effort to address affordable housing needs and economic growth, the Municipality is expanding the Buckingham West Trailer Court.

With Western Archrib’s growing industry and recent purchase of the property adjacent to and surrounding both Buckingham Trailer Courts, the Municipality partnered with Western Archrib to develop a plan to expand the trailer park while facilitating expansion plans for their business.

As part of the plan, the Municipality will purchase land adjacent to the west trailer park, to develop 14 new lots for mobile homes, over 2 phases. The Buckingham East Trailer Court will be sold to Western Archrib, facilitating expansion for one of our community’s largest employers and a new access road to divert truck traffic away from residential areas. The Municipality has met with the residents of Buckingham East Trailer Court, and are developing a plan to assist those residents for relocating their mobile home.

While the Municipality acknowledges the inconvenience and disruption this will cause to the tenants and the general area, the overall goals of the project is a win-win for the community.

Posted on August 16, 2024

Public Notice of Temporary Street Closure

Cherry Street, closed at intersection of South Railway Street.


South Railway Street has reopened, however, there is still construction on north side of South Railway, and across Cherry Street. Please use caution in this area.

Original Notice:

South Railway Street & Cherry Street
CLOSED starting July 8

Construction will be taking place on the corner of South Railway Street and Cherry Street beginning Monday, July 8.

On Monday, July 8, South Railway Street from Mill Road (Hwy #10) to Stephen Street will be closed for the day. South Railway Street should be reopened by end of day Monday, however, construction will continue on the north side of South Railway for several days.

Cherry Street, at the corner of South Railway, will be closed beginning Monday, July 8 for several days as well to allow for construction.

While South Railway Street is closed, parking is available in the empty lot, accessible from Stephen Street.

Please use caution while driving through construction zones. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Posted on July 4, 2024

2024 Budget Hearing 

Thursday, June 20 @ 7:00 pm

Boissevain Council Chambers

You’re invited to share your views

The financial plan presentation will provide an overview of the proposed 2024 budget for Boissevain-Morton, followed by an opportunity to ask questions and comment. The presentation will be recorded and available following the hearing at

Public notice is hereby given pursuant to Subsection 162(2) of The Municipal Act that the Council of the Municipality of Boissevain-Morton intends to present its financial plan for the year 2024 at a public hearing in Boissevain-Morton Council Chambers on the 20th day of June 2024 at 7:00 pm.

Council will hear any person who wishes to make a representation, ask questions or register an objection to the financial plan, as provided.

Copies of the financial plan are available and may be examined beginning May 31, 2024 by any person during regular office hours, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, at 420 South Railway Street, Boissevain, Manitoba.

Leo Poulin, CAO

Municipality of Boissevain-Morton

Posted on May 29, 2024

Public Notice

Public Notice

Regarding Special Services Plan

By-Law No. 2024-03

The Council of the Municipality of Boissevain-Morton has scheduled a public hearing at Council Chamber, 420 South Railway Street, Boissevain, on the 16th of May 2024 at 7:00 pm to present the following special service proposal: (more…)

Posted on April 23, 2024

UPDATE APRIL 10, 2024:

The boil water advisory has been lifted.

Boissevain water system has met all conditions for rescinding the boil water advisory and that bacteriological testing results meet regulatory standards.

Therefore, the boil water advisory that was placed on a portion of the Boissevain water system on April 8, 2024 has been rescinded. Normal water usage can be resumed.


For utility users west of Rae Street in the Municipality of Boissevain-Morton

Issued by the Medical Officer of Health, Manitoba Health and the Office of Drinking Water, Manitoba Environment and Climate

April 8, 2024

A water main repair on April 8, 2024, has led to the loss of water pressure in a portion of the Boissevain distribution system [west of Rae St]. Distribution depressurization can compromise the safety of the water supply; therefore, a boil water advisory has been issued to the affected area to ensure public health protection.



Until further notice, all water used for consumption should be brought to a rolling boil for at least one minute before it is used for:

  • Drinking and ice making
  • Preparing beverages, such as infant formula
  • Preparing food, including washing fruits and vegetables
  • Brushing teeth


Posted on April 8, 2024

Public Notice


January 16, 2024

The Municipality of Boissevain-Morton (Municipality) has applied to the Public Utilities Board (Board) for new, untreated bulk water rates for the Boissevain Water and Wastewater Utility (Utility). Proposed rates were set out in By-Law No. 2023-03, read the first time on December 19, 2023. Rates were last approved in 2022 in Board Order No. 65/22, with current rates coming into effect August 1, 2022.

The current and proposed annual rates are as follows:

Details of the Municipality’s application are available for review at the municipal office or the Board’s office. Any questions concerning the application for revised rates, or the operation of the Utility, should be sent directly to the Municipality.

If you have concerns/comments regarding the Municipality’s application for untreated bulk water rates please go to and provide your comment. Please note all comments will be forwarded to the Municipality.

Questions or comments should be sent on or before March 1, 2024.

The Board is the provincial regulatory agency that reviews and approves rates for water and wastewater utilities in Manitoba, with the exception of the City of Winnipeg. The Board’s review process involves:

  • the Utility filing a rate application to the Board,
  • a public notification of proposed rate changes,
  • the Board’s review of the application through a public hearing or paper review process, and
  • the issuance of an Order which outlines the Board’s decision on the rate application and the rates to be charged.

The Manitoba Ombudsman has privacy guidelines for administrative tribunals. The Board is mindful of its obligations under those guidelines. Its decisions in respect of the application being considered will be sensitive to the guidelines. Personal information will not be disclosed unless it is appropriate and necessary to do so. However, the Board advises participants that these proceedings are public and that as a result, personal information protections are reduced.

The Board will then decide whether any further notice is required and whether to proceed with a public hearing or paper review process. All concerns received by the Board will be considered in the Board’s decision on rates to be charged.


Note: All proceedings will be conducted in accordance with the Board’s Rules of Practice and Procedure, which the Board may vary in order to constrain regulatory costs. The Rules are available at

Frederick Mykytyshyn
Assistant Associate Secretary
Manitoba Public Utilities Board

Posted on January 17, 2024

Update Wednesday, August 23, 2023 
The excavation crews are now working on Cherry Street (south side of Ducker, #13, then north side, #12).
Wednesday, August 23, 2023  9:00 AM:
The intersection at Broadway and Buckingham is now closed for excavation (#7 & 8) and will remain closed through Thursday. As work progresses, the excavation crew will move to Broadway South (#11), Cherry Street (#12 & 13) and Caranton Road (#10). For everyone’s safety, please avoid these areas when closed. For more information click here.
Please note order of locations are subject to change at any time
North Railway Street west has reopened, and east to Broadway (#1, 2, 3 & 4 open now, #5 will reopen midday Wednesday).

Update Tuesday, August 22, 2023 at 10:45 am
The east and west sides of North Railway Street at Broadway are now closed for excavation (#4 & 5). As the work progresses, crews will move to Cook Street near Buckingham (#6). Wednesday excavation crews will begin work at the corner of Buckingham and Broadway (see valve insertion map, please note order of locations are subject to change at any time). For everyone’s safety, please avoid these areas when closed.
North Railway Street at Mill Road (#1) has reopened to traffic, and North Railway at Rae Street (#2), and North Railway & Mill Road East (#3) will reopen later today.
Water main valve insertions are expected to continue through Saturday, August 26. Closed roads will reopen following valve placement and once driving surface is restored. Please note: QuikValve insertions should not interrupt water services.
We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.
For more information, please call the Municipal Office at 204-534-2433.

Update Tuesday, August 22, 2023
The east and west sides of North Railway Street at Broadway are now closed for excavation. As the work progresses, crews will move to Buckingham Street, at the corner of Broadway, followed by Cook Street near Buckingham (see valve insertion map, please note order of locations are subject to change at any time). For everyone’s safety, please avoid these areas when closed.
North Railway Street at Mill Road has reopened to traffic, and North Railway at Rae Street will reopen later today.
Water main valve insertions are expected to continue through Saturday, August 26. Closed roads will reopen following valve placement and once driving surface is restored. Please note: QuikValve insertions should not interrupt water services.
We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.
For more information, please call the Municipal Office at 204-534-2433.

UPDATE: Monday, August 21 @ 10:00 am

The west side of North Railway Street and Rae Street is now closed for excavation. As the day progresses, the east side of Mill Road at North Railway will be closed, followed by Struthers Street on east side of Mill Road (see valve insertion map). For everyone’s safety, please avoid these intersections when closed.

Water main valve insertions are scheduled to begin this afternoon, with the first one at the corner of North Railway and Mill Road. Closed roads will reopen following valve placement and once driving surface is restored. Construction is expected to continue through Saturday, August 26.

Please note: QuikValve insertions should not interrupt water services.

For more information, please call the Municipal Office at 204-534-2433

Next week the Municipality of Boissevain-Morton Public Works along with contractors will be performing maintenance on our utility infrastructure. 
Starting Monday, throughout the entire week, crews will be installing 13 new water main valves at various locations around Boissevain. These QuikValve insertions should not interrupt water services, however there may be traffic disruptions with the construction areas. For everyone’s safety, please use caution when driving in the areas as outlined in the map.
Thank you for your co-operation in the matter.

Posted on August 18, 2023


The boil water advisory has been lifted.

Boissevain water system has met all conditions for rescinding the boil water advisory and that bacteriological testing results meet regulatory standards.

Click here to view letter.
Therefore, the boil water advisory that was placed on the Boissevain water system on August 9 has been rescinded. Normal water usage can be resumed.


For ALL utility users in the Municipality of Boissevain-Morton

Issued by the Medical Officer of Health, Manitoba Health and the Office of Drinking Water, Manitoba Environment and Climate

August 9, 2023

A major distribution failure (break), on August 9, 2023 has led to the loss of water pressure in the Boissevain distribution system. Distribution depressurization can compromise the safety of the water supply; therefore, a boil water advisory has been issued to ensure public health protection.



Until further notice, all water used for consumption should be brought to a rolling boil for at least one minute before it is used for:

  • Drinking and ice making
  • Preparing beverages, such as infant formula
  • Preparing food, including washing fruits and vegetables
  • Brushing teeth

It is not necessary to boil tap water used for other household purposes, such as laundry or washing dishes. Adults and older children that are able to avoid swallowing the water can wash, bathe, or shower. Young children should be sponge bathed. If boiling is not practical, an alternate and safe supply of water should be used for consumptive purposes; i.e. bottled water. Boil Water Advisory Fact Sheet #1 – Boil Water Advisory For Manitoba Water System Users contains additional information on water use and can be found on the website below.

[PDF File] Fact Sheet #1 – Residential Water Users

All commercial, public and permitted facilities (ex: restaurants, health care facilities, day cares, personal care homes and other private facilities that provide food and water services) must follow water use recommendations from the Boil Water Advisory Fact Sheet #3 – Boil Water Advisory For Commercial/Public Facilities. A copy of this Fact Sheet is available on the website below.

[PDF File] Fact Sheet #3 – Commercial and Public Facilities

To avoid burn injuries from hot water, caution should be taken. Please keep young children away from boiling water. Place kettles and pots away from counter and stove edges.

Please share this information with other people who use the tap water, especially those who may not have received this notice directly (ex: renters, tenants, staff, or clients). This notice can also be posted in common areas where people tend to gather.



Posted on August 9, 2023


Boissevain Utility Department has located a water main leak at the corner of North Railway and Broadway. This leak will require water to be shut off to repair the line. A planned water outage will occur on *Wednesday, August 9* from approximately 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. 

The planned outage will affect all utility users with the exception of those in the southeast corner: from Johnson Street east to Aikman, and from South Railway south to Mountain Street. *click here to view map of affected areas.

Please be aware, once water has been turned back on, a boil water advisory will be in effect. The Municipality will provide updates as they become available via Connect-Boissevain, social media and


Posted on August 4, 2023

UPDATE MAY 12, 2023:

The boil water advisory has been lifted.

Click to view rescind notice
Boissevain water system has met all conditions for rescinding the boil water advisory and that bacteriological testing results meet regulatory standards.
Therefore, the boil water advisory that was placed on a portion of the Boissevain water system on May 9, 2023 has been rescinded. Normal water usage can be resumed.



Issued by the Medical Officer of Health, Manitoba Health and the Office of Drinking Water, Manitoba Environment and Climate

May 9, 2023

Click to view full notice.
Click to view map of affected utility users.

Repairs to a line break on May 9, 2023 has led to the loss of water pressure in a portion of the Boissevain distribution system including: Buckingham Street between Stephen Street and McKenzie Street, Boissevain School, 793 Mill Road, 794 McKenzie Street, 784 McKenzie Street, 100 William Street, and the Busy B Drive Inn. Distribution depressurization can compromise the safety of the water supply; therefore, a boil water advisory has been issued to ensure public health protection.



Until further notice, all water used for consumption should be brought to a rolling boil for at least one minute before it is used for:

  • Drinking and ice making
  • Preparing beverages, such as infant formula
  • Preparing food, including washing fruits and vegetables
  • Brushing teeth

It is not necessary to boil tap water used for other household purposes, such as laundry or washing dishes. Adults and older children that are able to avoid swallowing the water can wash, bathe, or shower. Young children should be sponge bathed. If boiling is not practical, an alternate and safe supply of water should be used for consumptive purposes; i.e. bottled water. Boil Water Advisory Fact Sheet #1 – Boil Water Advisory For Manitoba Water System Users contains additional information on water use and can be found on the website below.

[PDF File] Fact Sheet #1 – Residential Water Users

All commercial, public and permitted facilities (ex: restaurants, health care facilities, day cares, personal care homes and other private facilities that provide food and water services) must follow water use recommendations from the Boil Water Advisory Fact Sheet #3 – Boil Water Advisory For Commercial/Public Facilities. A copy of this Fact Sheet is available on the website below.

[PDF File] Fact Sheet #3 – Commercial and Public Facilities

To avoid burn injuries from hot water, caution should be taken. Please keep young children away from boiling water. Place kettles and pots away from counter and stove edges.

Please share this information with other people who use the tap water, especially those who may not have received this notice directly (ex: renters, tenants, staff, or clients). This notice can also be posted in common areas where people tend to gather.



Posted on May 9, 2023