Public Notice: Public Hearing: Special Services Levy

Public Notice

Public Notice

Regarding Special Services Plan

By-Law No. 2024-03

The Council of the Municipality of Boissevain-Morton has scheduled a public hearing at Council Chamber, 420 South Railway Street, Boissevain, on the 16th of May 2024 at 7:00 pm to present the following special service proposal:

1. For policing, fire, EMO protection, for all residential, commercial and institutional properties within the Municipality of Boissevain-Morton;

2. For garbage collection, for all residential, commercial and institutional properties within the urban community of Boissevain;

3. For street construction & maintenance, street lights, animal control, tree management and beautification for all residential, commercial and institutional properties within the urban community of Boissevain;

Please refer to enclosed copy of Proposed Special Services Plan #2403 for detailed description. Also available at the Municipal Office or online at

A written objection may be filed with the Chief Administrative Officer, at 420 South Railway Street, Boissevain prior to the commencement of the hearing. At the hearing, Council will hear any potential taxpayer who wishes to make a presentation, ask questions or register an objection to the special service proposal.

All objections, written or verbal, must be filed prior to the adjournment of the hearing and must include the name, address, and property description of the person filing the objection and the grounds of their objection.

Copies of the special service proposal are available at the Municipal Office, 420 South Railway Street, Boissevain, and online at

Dated at the Municipality of Boissevain-Morton this 24th of April 2024, and issued pursuant to Section 318 of The Municipal Act.

Leo Poulin
Chief Administrative Officer
Municipality of Boissevain-Morton

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